"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen!" Hebrews 11:1

Miracle Monday is created for us to share these stories of faith and miracles that God is still performing. I know the more I read about God's mighty works, the more excited I get and my faith is increased. Please join me every Monday for an exciting new story of what God can do!
You can read "Miracle Monday" posts HERE!
I would love to consider posting your story of faith and miracles. You can email me at Sarahsewta{at}yahoo{dot}com!
I will be looking forward to reading everyone's "miracles". I have several of my own right down to pumping too much gas and not having the money. I just happened to "find" the 18 cents I needed in my purse. Which was a miracle in it's self because we didn't have any money at the time...not even 18 cents!! God is good to us!!